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Yoshihiro Togashi
So true.

This thing uses energy so it is doomed to fail. I am very smart!

Why full stop at ladt

Kevin Flynn
Unrelated but this is the quote I've gotten the most, as of typing this I've …

Henry Rollins
You. Yes, you. Go get some sleep.


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XelyRanger - Freedom
What is freedom? it's a circumstance in which you act, talk, and being yourself without a worry about anything. It's likely impossible in this current era of realistism where people tend to be realistic, and as the time goes on, Freedom will be something most expensive than anything on earth.

XelyRanger - Roda Dunia
Untuk mencapai titik puncak suatu pemikiran, dibutuhkan filsafat. Untuk mencapai filsafat, dibutuhkan puncak suatu kehidupan. Dan untuk mencapai puncak suatu kehidupan, dibutuhkan bimbingan dari filsafat. Dunia ini hanyalah roda yang berputar-putar dengan hirearki yang sesungguhnya bersifat semu.