Attention all fortnite gamers - me

This quote fue agregado por maxlucetyping
Attention all Fortnite gamers. John Wick is in great danger and he needs your help, to wipe out the squads in the tilted towers. But to do this he'll need a golden scar and a couple of chug jugs. To help him, all he needs is your credit card number, the three numbers on the back, and the expiration month and year. But you gotta be quick so he can secure the bag and achieve the epic victory royal.

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alexer201 5 años, 6 meses atrás
The title may mean Karl Marx, who lived in the 1800's. As well as that, it's quite literally asking for your credit card information. Somebody may want to review this.
weesin 5 años, 6 meses atrás
The punctuation in this quote needs some attention...

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