quote about rap and hip-hop - online source

This quote fue agregado por weesin
For those who insist that even the invisible structures of society reinforce racism, the burden of proof should rest with them to explain just why hip hop's bloody and sexist lyrics and videos and the criminal behavior of many rappers WOULDN'T have a powerfully negative effect upon whites' conception of black people.

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bvw 5 años, 4 meses atrás
Rappers do have a powerful impact, and their lyric is often profane, negative, even deadly. A lot of great rappers dead: victims of the stylings professed and celebrated in their lyrics and vocal vampings. Of course they do cause -- quite reasonably and honestly -- a very negatice view of American Black culture that is far more general than the splinter of folks who actually live that life style. Worse is the impact on Black "families", on the young men and women who track into that styling with very real and tragic lifetime impact. Yet rap has some beauty. Dangerous. Like 90 proof plus dangerous.
etctoolazy 5 años, 4 meses atrás
I take it that now is a bad time?
weesin 5 años, 4 meses atrás
I really think that you need to spend some time really listening to the lyrics....especially from a female perspective. Women are treated like dogs in rap and hip hop music. I don't see how anyone who was not a misogynist would NOT get offended

I also cannot stand how the English language is unapologetically butchered by these so-called artists

I also cannot stand how these "artists" have bastardized the original intent of rap and hip-hop which was to cast a light on social inequities and help improve the social experience of their people. All these rappers have managed to do is to glorify thug life in already downtrodden communities. Unfortunately, the average North American has the intelligence of an amoeba, leaving them quite vulnerable to the violent, narcissistic and misogynistic imagery that runs rampant in these music videos

Educate yourself
maxlucetyping 5 años, 4 meses atrás
why do you hate hip hop so much? I know I troll around on this site a lot but I actually am curious... I understand that there are many violent and hedonistic themes in a lot of hip hop songs but most popular media the public consumes like movies or TV shows are just as violent and hedonistic. This seems similar to the "video games cause violence" crowd where you seem to be so out of touch with the people that consume this media that you don't realize that there is almost nobody who would listen to rap lyrics talking about killing people and then decide to kill people. It's an over dramatization just like all media and people need to realize that whether its video games, TV, movies, music, or anything else, that media is not suppose to provide a perfect image for how we want to live out life but is instead suppose to be entertaining and show a world that is interesting.

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