The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life - Mark Manson

This quote fue agregado por weesin
The problem here is that most people who get caught cheating apologize and give the 'It will never happen again' spiel and that's that, as if penises fell into various orifices completely by accident. Many cheatees accept this response at face value. They're so concerned with holding on to their relationship that they fail to recognize that it's become a black hole consuming their self respect.

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weesin 5 años, 1 mes atrás
Thanks @plex_is_better. I did submit this quote myself, and, as far I can see see - there aren't any errors in it. I recently got turned onto some of Mark Manson's work and am quite enjoying it

plex_is_better 5 años, 1 mes atrás
Weesin judging weesin's quote? Also, I don't even think there is an error in this quote.
user294322 5 años, 1 mes atrás
You know that weesin will judge this. RIGHT?

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