Thinking - Phoenix LaBrant

This quote fue agregado por foxx2171
Do we really think? You talk about what to buy at the Grocery Store. You debate about what color you want to paint your house. That isn't thinking. Thinking is only when it is an important topic. You should THINK about the millions of people that are homeless and sleep in the cold, and are starving. You should THINK about Global Warming because of pollution, which we humans caused. You should Really start to think about the things that matter. Because if you don't our lives will begin to end.

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weesin 5 años, 1 mes atrás
Wow. There are a lot of words that have been catitalized unnecessarily. And the whole premise of this quote is ridiculous as humans are constantly thinking - whether you're thinking about global warming or which toothpaste to buy, you're still thinking
user73231 5 años, 1 mes atrás
You capitalized R in really in a middle of a sentence. The subject about thinking and how you can only think if it's an important topic deems to be very ignorant. Thinking is using reason to apply to things and or express them, which doesn't always mean the topic has to be very important for a human to think. Humans constantly think, whether that be talking or writing about mostly anything. You also started a sentence off of because, which should be connected to the sentence and completed like, "You should really start to think about the things that matter because if you don't our lives will begin to end."
blaugershnauger 5 años, 1 mes atrás
How much does one have to think to capitalize properly?

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