Attention all fortnite gamers - josh bob joshua billy the 15th

This quote fue agregado por maxlucetyping
Sometimes you see a quote that is just so perfect and easy to type that you can't wait to type it and get the highest score of your life. A quote like this.

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weesin 5 años atrás
Ha! I love the clever Rand reference
maxlucetyping 5 años atrás
Ok cool it Ayn Rand and just let me have my false pride...
weesin 5 años atrás
But can you really take pride in that high score when you get it from an easy quote? That's like winning a race and taking pride in your win - when the race was against toddlers that can barely run. Real pride comes from real achievement. Take pride in the scores you get on the difficult quotes as they are the true measure of your skill as a typist.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

Score (PPM) la distribución de esta cita. Más.

Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
gubchubbliess 92.22 92.9%
user85658 74.51 94.0%
cmontero94 72.93 92.3%
dedipyan 44.25 87.2%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
cmontero94 72.93 92.3%
dedipyan 44.25 87.2%
user85658 74.51 94.0%
gubchubbliess 92.22 92.9%