The Duel - Michael Scott

This quote fue agregado por falfner
David, here it is. My philosophy is basically this, and this is something that I live by, and I always have, and I always will: Don't ever, for any reason, do anything, to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been, ever, for any reason whatsoever.

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weiahe 4 años, 2 meses atrás
That's some "W" practice
weesin 5 años, 8 meses atrás
oops....there's a typo in my comment below. I meant 'scenes' not 'scences'. Duh. Sorry everyone
weesin 5 años, 8 meses atrás
What a great quote from one of my favoroute scences from The Office. There are punctuation issues with this quote though

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