Victimhood - Some Dipshit

This quote fue agregado por tossedsaladfren
Trigger warnings are the most ridiculous, patronizing and infantilizing creations ever to come out of feminism. But feminists adore trigger warnings because it reinforces the idea that women are ruled by their emotions, are incapable of recovering from trauma, and are just generally hysterical nitwits unprepared to confront adulthood and reality.

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weesin 4 años, 11 meses atrás
Absolutely she does....this is a woman who is so stupid that she doesn't even 'believe' in marital rape. Apparently when women get married, we lose dominion over our own bodies.
trebledchild 4 años, 11 meses atrás
Ugh, Janet Bloomfield seriously needs to just sit down and think long and hard about her life choices.
weesin 4 años, 11 meses atrás
Although Janet Bloomfield is a moron who opposes feminist theory at every turn and should be gagged so that she can't spout her moronic views, as I feminist, I do actually have to agree (somewhat) with this quote. Yes, people can be traumatized - but get over it! You can't expect the world to tip toe around your sensitivities. But by the same token - that rule should also be applied to people in other minority/disadvantaged groups as well

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