ShOrT SeNtEnCe - Paulina

This quote fue agregado por user381055
Everyone wants a short sentence, we just keep clicking escape until we find the one we want. But it has to be 150 characters and it's hard to do that. Well, here it is.

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o simplemente dejar un comentario:

weesin 5 años, 7 meses atrás
You've typed 'its' instead of 'it's'

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user871724 158.48 98.8%
jswegs 133.95 100%
hunterz1200 132.77 98.2%
zhengfeilong 127.31 96.5%
davidnoskills 127.02 98.2%
heeeeheeee 126.04 100%
am4sian 124.75 99.4%
noobplayer 124.17 99.4%
dante-didit 123.79 100%
world177 123.45 99.4%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
adriana-b 57.38 94.4%
user80224 109.28 90.7%
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dante-didit 123.79 100%
jssosa10 50.30 88.9%
iluvkim.mingyu 33.18 95.5%
maadj 81.43 94.9%
username85 51.34 97.7%