"Dr. Phil's Hilariously Terrible Interview" - Gus Johnson

This quote fue agregado por space_cadet
Dr. Phil. Yes, Mr. Dr. Phil, who I forget exists for every couple years, and then we check back in on him, and he looks the same! It's a testament to the man's aging because he has looked 48 years old for the last 73 years. In fact, I think Dr. Phil just sorta squeeshed out of his mom's uterus, bald and sweaty with placenta drippin' from his 'stache, wanting to help America's youth.

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weesin 4 años, 10 meses atrás
This is awesome! And so true! I mean he ages, but not like the rest of us do. It's almost like he made some sort of mephistophelean deal to stay young forever. Or it's just a ton of plastic surgery....

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