Tomorrow - Tanner Olson- Poet

This quote fue agregado por i_am_on_ya
I've spent more time in yesterday than being present with today. And I know that tomorrow is coming, but sometimes I don't want it to, but like today, tomorrow is good. And I want to see tomorrow. I want to see tomorrow, because I want to see the sun rise in the morning and dissolve in the water at night. Because fall is always near and I don't care that I want a pumpkin spice latte. Because the south is calling my name and they have barbecue and fresh squeezed orange juice...

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winchester2 4 años, 9 meses atrás
I noted one of the punctuation issues, what are the others? Sorry, I'm not catching them and I honestly want to be more informed. I think as far as the incomplete sentence goes, in the context of it being poetry, some grammar errors are allowable.
weesin 4 años, 9 meses atrás
How is this quote getting positive ratings? There are punctuation issues and an incomplete sentence
winchester2 4 años, 9 meses atrás
The second part was a little weird, but I really like the first part, like a lot.

Also, I've submitted an edit for the lower case "i"

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