If you can't .... - 2-Pac

This quote fue agregado por infiniti23
If you cannot find something to live for, then find something to die for. For all men should have purpose, and purposely should the man live. For he without purpose, serves no purposes in life.

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johnymaccarroni 2 años atrás
thanks again :))
poop 2 años, 7 meses atrás
thanks again
zhang 2 años, 11 meses atrás
thank you to this quote for my new high score :D

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user871724 189.31 87.7%
johnymaccarroni 185.22 100%
poop 184.19 100%
firefingers1992 182.97 100%
jiggalee 181.35 100%
zhang 171.63 100%
typin_ 170.11 98.0%
user37933 166.51 96.5%
berryberryberry 161.69 95.1%
practicebutt69 161.08 99.0%

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user462452 78.49 98.0%
user888480 22.01 91.0%
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