Use of Weapons - Iain M. Banks

This quote fue agregado por gabetax
Za-kalwe, in all the human societies we have ever reviewed, in every age and every state, there has seldom if ever been a shortage of eager young males prepared to kill and die to preserve the security, comfort and prejudices of their elders, and what you call heroism is just an expression of this simple fact; there is never a scarcity of idiots.

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honchkrowabcd 1 año, 11 meses atrás
Yes, young males who fight for the country often without a choice are obviously all idiots and don't deserve any credit at all for their work.
kiriiya 2 años, 3 meses atrás
I came eight times while reading this quote.
mumma 3 años, 8 meses atrás
damn good quote

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