Commentaires récents

Cadence Owens
learn about the welfare system, this quote is dumb and ineffectual.

what is the spelling in this quote omg

I don't have that on my keyboard...

National Alliance
Just the phrase "unvarying climate of the tropics" shows how colossally ignorant the speaker is.

Honestly, true, it's so nice to have this distraction that just turns off your brain …


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Daniel Abraham - La Senda del Dragón
Las montañas parecían no tener fin. Cada cima era una nueva amenaza, y cada valle estaba lleno de peligros. Rodeaba los pequeños pueblos, y tan solo se aventuraba a acercarse para robar un poco de agua de los aljibes de piedra. Comía lagartos y pequeños frutos de color carne que arrancaba de los matorrales. Evitaba los lugares donde la tierra de los senderos mostrara marcas de huellas de gruesas patas con garras.

Casey Neistat - General Ideology
General ideology; I don't like filters, color correction, transitions, digital effects, fancy font treatment or titles. I Think they're cheap and easy - anyone can download and plug in. They're not a demonstration of creativity but something prepackaged and emblematic of a more formal mainstream like aesthetic that a lot of younger creators see as aspirational - aspirational because using easy plugins makes their homemade videos look like what is seen on tv. Use nothing but straight cuts and foo.