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I so confused what makes you a Christian again?

Jim Rohn
"It's a skill issue."

I remember reading this in grade 11 lol, Macbeth is one of the few Shakespeare …

Joel Hawes
Whoa, my first 170 wpm quote!

this is sad


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Error 404 (errorcrash) - Hazardous Material
Poison can be found in people too. The poison is in the form of words which are spat upon us, infecting us with things like sadness, anger, race, and melancholy. The only cures are our fellow peers. And sometimes, the cures choose to ignore us. Sometimes, the poison envelops people. And the poison will kill them.

Unknown - Misery
Ridicule is simple thunder striking at my ears and heart, electrifying me with sadness. It's impossible to stop salty waterfalls to flow down from my face when life seems bleak. It's disheartening to know that no one else seems to care anymore.