Commentaires récents

*possession* should be the word. a type error.

Fred Maia
se você tivesse acreditado na minha brincadeira de dizer verdades, teria ouvidoo verdades que teimo …

Meanwhile, my true top WPM is around 75. But one error and my WPM shoots …

I got this quote while practicing typing in French, but it is in English.

Yoshihiro Togashi
So true.


kesichu's citations

Tout citations

Stieg Larsson
Friendship, my definition, is built on two things: Respect and Trust. Both elements have to be there. And it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don't have trust, the relationship will crumble.

Ken Kesey
If you don't have a reason to wake up you can loaf around in that gray zone for a long, fuzzy time, or if you want to bad enough I found you can come fighting right out of it. This time I came fighting out of it in less than a day, less time than ever.