Be the Moon - La fleur

This quote fue agregado por user64558
Everyone wants to be the sun in everyone's life to brighten up their life. But why not be the moon and illuminate their life and footsteps in their darkest hours?

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guest._. 2 años, 6 meses atrás
Oh no... anyways.
kiriiya 3 años atrás
weesin 5 años, 9 meses atrás
You made an error. It should be "But why not.....". Instead, you typed "But what not...". Fix it

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user871724 171.32 96.4%
guest._. 156.02 98.2%
gracekosten 153.81 98.2%
berryberryberry 152.20 97.0%
xemptuous 151.11 100%
user267992 146.22 97.6%
aight 145.77 95.3%
suikacider 145.10 95.3%
venerated 144.41 100%
zhengfeilong 142.88 100%

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user871724 171.32 96.4%
gwaldrop 120.87 98.8%
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