Recent comments

Honestly, true, it's so nice to have this distraction that just turns off your brain …

- A Typist
This quote is so real, sometimes this place feels incredibly empty but it's the internet, …

Patrika J.c
Good message, but atrocious grammar...

This quote is great. After a long time, I have seen good quote like this.

Mikami Teru
I hated this quote, thank you


bminnie17's quotes

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Hlovate - Versus
If you feel ignorant and stupid, then find a way to learn. Don't curse those who are calling you ignorant and stupid. Find ways to prove them wrong. That is satisfaction - much more satisfying than cursing them all the way to hell and back. You'll never reach perfection because there's always room for improvement. Yet along the way to perfection, you'll learn to get better.