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Indrajit Roy Choudhury (original)
Did he think the anger was coming from someone else? How would that make any …

J.K. Rowling
This is a really good blog! As well as that, your web site loads quite …

G.K. Chesterton

Stan Berkowitz and Darwyn Cooke

LOL that funny


c3a's quotes

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Mark Manson - Everything is F*cked
One day, you and everyone you love will die. And beyond a small group of people for an extremely brief period of time, little of what you say or do will ever matter. This is the uncomfortable truth of life. And everything you think or do is but an elaborate avoidance of it. We are inconsequential cosmic dust, bumping and milling about on a tiny blue speck. We imagine our own importance. We invent our purpose - we are nothing.