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The serial mogger
a polite version

Inderjeet Singh
Also, this is generally horrible advice that will lead to burnout and a hatred for …

Inderjeet Singh
If you're going to type a quote in English telling people how to get better …

From the movie God's Not Dead
Meanwhile, God is putting a third tumor to his best warrior

Not an art, no even closely related to art. Has nothing to do with art.


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Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz - Asegura La Confianza de Que Ocultara de Todo Un Secreto
El paje os dirá, discreto, como, luego que leí, vuestro secreto, rompí por no romper el secreto. Y aún hice más, os prometo: los fragmentos, sin desdén, del papel, tragué también; que secretos que venero, aún en pedazos no quiero que fuera del pecho estén.

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz - She Assures That She Will Hold a Secret in Confidence
The page, discreetly, will relate how, the moment it was read, I tore your secret into shreds that shreds be not the secret's fate. And something more, inviolate, I swallowed what you had confessed, the tiny fragments of your note, to guard the secret that you wrote and honor thus your confidence, lest even one scrap escape my breast.