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I don't have that on my keyboard...

National Alliance
Just the phrase "unvarying climate of the tropics" shows how colossally ignorant the speaker is.

Honestly, true, it's so nice to have this distraction that just turns off your brain …

- A Typist
This quote is so real, sometimes this place feels incredibly empty but it's the internet, …

Patrika J.c
Good message, but atrocious grammar...


crystalm0th's quotes

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George PEREC - "La Disparition"
Son pouls battait trop fort. Il avait chaud. Il ouvrit son vasistas, scruta la nuit. Il faisait doux. Un bruit indistinct montait du faubourg. Un carillon, plus lourd qu'un glas, plus sourd qu'un tocsin, plus profond qu'un bourdon, non loin, sonna trois coups. Du canal Saint-Martin, un clapotis plaintif signalait un chaland qui passait.