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Gail Honeyman
That is such a mood, I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to …

Behemouth Effluvium
(I think some of my comments got cut off, you might have to hover your …

Behemouth Effluvium
I dunno if you're gonna read this but you're on the right track! Learning how …

Behemouth Effluvium
2) Start trying to group letters and short words together. At 50 wpm, you probably …

Behemouth Effluvium
3) As you're typing a word, start reading ahead at the next word. This will …


elleontherun's quotes

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Steve Wilton - Shameless
You know, 90% of the world's problems are caused by tiny words that come in pairs. I mean, we're healthy and we're happy, but when people ask, we say "Not bad." You know, the first time that I saw you dancing, about a month back at Crobar, I was desperate to buy you a drink. You know, normally I'm shy, so I told myself: I can't. She won't. We wouldn't. And then tonight I see you there again. All the indications being that I'm getting a second chance to make a good impression.