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G.K. Chesterton

Stan Berkowitz and Darwyn Cooke

LOL that funny

Did you forget to edit out the last sentence lmao

*possession* should be the word. a type error.


monsieurbaguett's quotes

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Monsieur Baguette - The Shortest Quote
Publishing quotes is annoying, time-consuming and pointless. In the end, there will always be a better one out there. And yet if nobody published quotes, there would be non out there, and any quote published would be the best.

Myself - Try
Nobody likes you, nobody likes you, get wrecked, go die in a hole, what a big fool, you actually suck at this, I do not like you, you depress me, your mother doesn't love you, I bet you have messed up somewhere already, if not you're a nerd, if you have you're a wet sock. Goodbye!

Myself - Charlemagne's life
His dad, Pepin the Short, died, Charlemagne and Carloman were competing for the throne, Carloman died at like 34, Charlemagne took the throne, was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope, had a kid called Louis the Pious, created a system of common currency, improved trade, united western Europe and everyone was happy, except Pepin the Short and Carloman because they were both dead.