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Fred Maia
se você tivesse acreditado na minha brincadeira de dizer verdades, teria ouvidoo verdades que teimo …

Meanwhile, my true top WPM is around 75. But one error and my WPM shoots …

I got this quote while practicing typing in French, but it is in English.

Yoshihiro Togashi
So true.

This thing uses energy so it is doomed to fail. I am very smart!


nicholeistyping's quotes

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Alex Quackity - Can Any Animal Survive In The Wild?
I feel like anything or anyone can be trained to act a certain way. Like how do they get the Toy Story toys to act? Exactly, you have to train them, you have to show them acting skills and whatnot. It's the same with animals. How do you get them to survive in the wild? You train them. Ask children to start surviving in the wild. So... that's how you do it. That's really interesting to me.