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Mikami Teru
I hated this quote, thank you

Pray to Jesus Christ

This quote is from a friend who lived in communist Germany. She cries when she …

wut m8?

Haemin Sunim
I now deem this quote a SERVRE problem!!


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Square Enix - Cruel Oath Stroy Lv3 - Lv4, Nier Automata
With each passing night, another boy died. The survivors grew more and more suspicious of each other, each harboring terrible doubts about what happened to their brothers. On the morning of the seventh day, a single survivor stood tall. Cleaning the blood from his hands, he chuckled to himself. "Better go find the traitor!"

Square Enix - Cruel Oath Stroy Lv1 - Lv2, Nier Automata
Once, long ago there was a group of seven boys who were born in the same village. Though they were not brothers by blood, they treated each other as family. One cold night, a fortune-teller appeared and warned of a traitor among them. The boys laughed it off and went about their business, but the next morning, one of them lay dead.

From Software - Master Hewg - Elden ring
Use my masterpiece to slay a god. That's all I have lived for. And my promise to Q-queen Marika. But do me a favour, and do look after the girl. I can't hold on much longer. I'm going the way of the R-roundtable... It was a great honor to smith your weapons during my time here. Allow me to c-call you this, just once, before it ends. My Lord, f-for that is what you are.