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The serial mogger

I would have scored better if the grammar was better.

Keaston Dahn
I love this quote thank you!!!!!!

so... you cheated on him

William Chapman
Thank you, for this quote. I appreciate it very much.


slowtyperdoge's quotes

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Short Quote - MEcxd
Don't stop dreaming or let the dog out of the cat cage. The dog would make the cat get angry, making your bird loose control. Goats are like mushrooms. If you shoot a duck, I am afraid of toasters.

MEcxd - The dogssss
The dog was the dog was the dog was the dog that does not really make any sense so how about the cat was the cat was the cat making a dog noise with mice.

MEcxd - The Dog
The dog goes woof cat goes meow bird goes tweet and the mouse goes squeak cow goes moo and the elephant goes toot ducks say quack what does the fox say ring ding ding ding.