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Honestly, true, it's so nice to have this distraction that just turns off your brain …

- A Typist
This quote is so real, sometimes this place feels incredibly empty but it's the internet, …

Patrika J.c
Good message, but atrocious grammar...

This quote is great. After a long time, I have seen good quote like this.

Mikami Teru
I hated this quote, thank you


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Fenrir Greyback - Impinsible
Moving from peck and hunt to touch typing is a big change. You might be a student learning it in high school or a professional seeking to improve your skills; it will be a difficult journey. But the real question is not if it is easy or difficult, the real question is: is it worth it? And the answer is; yes! For some people it will be only somewhat useful and for some it will simply change their life, but there will be none that will say it does not make any difference.